7 food items to keep your fats at bay.

Every time I blog about this topic, I put down one of my old sayings: Being fat doesn't matter as long as you are good at your heart. So, be happy. And make everyone happy. But, if your fats are really making you lose sleep, let me suggest some easy-to-get-and-eat food items, which would help you to maintain those extra calories and carbohydrates in your body metabolism and still keep your stomach happy. And while making a plan, never ever make a plan of a crash diet or going on a hunger strike by remaining hungry for a day or even long hours. Just reduce your intake. Reduce but do not stop. Here are a few items which will kill your hunger and yet keep you fat-free:

Two-Three teaspoons of honey with lemon drops: Start every morning with 2-3 teaspoons of honey, mixed with the juice of one lemon in a glass of warm water, all mixed together. This is a really fresh and motivational start to your morning, if you are really worried about your fats. Trust me, it helps in reducing your extra fats.

Brown bread: Remember, if you are really serious about your plan, do take a note that brown bread is a tad better choice than the normal, white bread. And again, do be cautious to apply the Amul fat-free butter rather the normal Amul or any other brand butter.

Egg white: Another important item in your diet which can help maintain your weight is the reproductive item of hen, the egg. After having it boiled, remove the yolk and eat only the egg white.
Note: Never fry and prepare a tasty omlette. Lots of carbohydrates and calories are involved. It’s a big no-no. But, if you do not care about your weight, I am no Hitler, either.

Roasted grams or simply grams: Back in the day, when some traditional pujas were held and even today, grams were one of the main components. Easy to avail, it is a healthy item which can be added to your diet plan, without fearing about extra carbohydrates. And it contains fibre too, which is digested slowly by our stomach.

Cucumber: Trust me, when I say cucumber. This natural vegetable is the best way to keep your body fat-free; remain hydrated and at the same time, hunger-free. Easy to get and easy to carry around. If you happen to open my tiffin-box any given day at college, be guaranteed to find a stack of sliced cucumbers.

Orange: The only glitch in oranges is that you have to wait till the winter season to grab a hold of this fruit. And you might as well know that being a fruit, it contains anti-oxidants and, also a high amount of vitamin C, which oxidize your fats. So, grab one, when you can.

Apple: Last but not the least, it’s the old friend, the very own A for apple. Eating it makes your stomach feel being full as it contains a high amount of fibre which obviously would decrease your urge to eat more. Moreover, it is healthy. And remember never peel off the skin. It reduces the fibre content. It is worth saying: An apple a day keeps a doctor away. Indeed.

(Boring foods, isn't it? Trust me, you have one body, as well.)

My motive of this blog is to free you from being remaining hungry and still tackle your fats. Apart from these, if you really want to add to your health plan, do read this

And until then, be happy. Have respect for women. Respect elders. Respect all. And do share this with your friends. Happy reading.


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