My Experience at the Guwahati Railway Station

With the onset of the much anticipated vacations, it was finally time for me to set foot out of my house. With the little time I get during the semester sessions, I barely set my sights beyond the gate of my house. The amount of time I dedicate to playing computer games (read FIFA), watching TV, eating food and sleeping has made me such a slouch that I got the magnificent sight of the Guwahati Railway Station after a gap of nearly 2 years. And believe me, those were the cleanest 2 years of my life. And for obvious reasons.

Even as I entered the grand railway station of our city, a swoosh of a particular ‘holy’ smell (read horrendous and pathetic) rushed through my nose. And with little efforts of my brain, I was able to deduce that if you are to tolerate that smell for a little over a minute, it would cause you mixture of nausea, cancer, malaria, AIDS, brain hemorrhage and a host of other deadly disease at a single pace. That is the reason why I never see a beautiful girl at the station. Sigh! As I set my foot out of the car, I encountered a mini crowd of some 15-20 men at the entrance of the station. With closer glance, I figured that they were auto-rickshaw drivers pulling passengers towards their rickshaws. The manner in which they were ‘commanding’ people to take their rickshaws, I thought they were offering free rides to those tired passengers. And obviously they weren’t.  As I entered the station, I had a quick reality check. The floor was filled with sleeping people just like in a house where huge chunks of relatives would come for a family-marriage, like a big family get-together. I carefully waded through the sleeping people avoiding stepping over them. It would have been the weirdest thing to do that. It then took me ages to reach the platform because of the exceedingly huge amount of people in the station. It was as if half of the world’s population was present at the Guwahati Railway Station. And thanks to that, I almost lost out in the tremendous crowd. And then the most erotic sight caught my eye. I felt as if a sharp blade pierced through my heart. My brain stopped working for a few seconds. My lungs failed to take in oxygen and carbon-dioxide seemed to fill it. And if you do not believe me, I must tell you that those railway tracks were filled with indescribable wonders, which my blog would fail to visualize it to you. And I was equally happy to finally jump onto the train, never to come out. With that I had to struggle the whole of my journey to kick out those horrible images that had settled onto my brain never ever to be thrown out. And thanks to my creative brain, I even struggled to take in food for the next couple of days. So, be happy. Respect women. And happy reading.   


  1. Lol :D
    I know how it feels like to be in the guwahati railway station.. Its horrible in there..


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