Studying & Living for Money?

We live in a society where the main source of happiness is conceived in money. Every damn thing in the society is evaluated on the basis of money. Even passion for work is replaced by the word money.
And the saddest part is that even love is measured on the basis of money. Is money controlling the human life?

We cannot deny the devilish effects of money in our lives. The very sole reason for our lives has become money.
But do we study for money as well? Nowadays, everyone is advised to study well to land into good jobs, and in turn earn a good amount of money. “If you do not perform well in your exams, you wouldn’t get a good job” is the common advice that we hear from everybody. It looks like investment, with future returns, with extra benefits, just like stock market! And so, the pressure to perform well in our exams has become immensely high for us, the students. Remember the last minute studies just to earn a few more marks, and then the occurrence of a memory loss of each and every word studied for the exam. But is this type of education really helpful to us in the long run?  No one is interested in advising the students about the various good deeds of education. I mean, the purpose of education should be to acquire a good amount of knowledge, so that one day in the near future it can be shared amongst others, including our younger ones. By educating oneself, a change in our society can also be brought about by applying the various aspects of education. This will sound very dull and boring to you as the only thing that bothers you is the amount of money you can earn in a job after the completion of education. No one bothers about the amount of happiness or satisfaction, one aspires to achieve in the later stages of life. This would be clearer to you if you hear conversations regarding marriages. The first thing that bothers the parents of a girl is that if the boy has a good job and that he earns well. Come on! Don’t deny it. Is happiness guaranteed by a big bank balance? Can the happiness of life be bought by money? So that means, I am not even entitled to dream about marriage if I do not have a good job but still a good boy. So, I am very much hopeful that the situation changes soon enough because whenever I get married, I don’t want discussions about the money in my job. And also, the “study for money” mindset must be gone forever because it is destroying the respect and dignity of education in our lives. Education is a very priceless entity and even though it is very much true that by the virtue of a good qualification, a good job is guaranteed but it must not be the sole reason for educating oneself. Think for yourself!  


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