Girls:Is there no 'Freedom of Choice' for clothes?

When it comes to celebrating Independence Day, Indians top the list for being very patriotic and enthusiastic about the very occasion. The very idea of 15th August spurs up the feeling of unity amongst all the Indians. But how far has India gone towards being a truly Independent nation? Do all Indians really have the right to freedom? Or is being independent just a façade?

A couple of days after 15th August, a certain senseless local Assamese News Channel broadcasted a very disturbing news element about girls wearing short skirts or precisely ‘indecent clothes’, which according to them was against the Assamese tradition. In the news item, girls wearing short bottoms were filmed on-camera, some without even their consent, and were shown in a manner as if to mean that they were highly accustomed criminals. At one instance, they were even compared to monkeys! Sigh!

I don’t generally pay heed to these baseless local news channels but the girls-clothes issue has gone way too far. Everybody wants to be the moral police. Everybody is just interested in judging others. And by doing this, everybody has thus lost their mental balance. And hence, India should not celebrate Independence Day as girls have supposedly no freedom here!

Does anybody have any knowledge about the right to equality? When moron reporters accuse girls of not following Assamese traditional clothes, have they any idea about traditional clothes for men? Do Assamese men roam about roads wearing the traditional attire of our state? Or do any of these reporters adorn any traditional clothes while reporting? In that case, wearing jeans and tees should be a case of indecency too.

And moreover, has media persons forgotten their work ethics? How on earth are girls wearing short skirts a piece of news item? Besides, who are they to command what girls should wear and what not to? They seem more like media-retards.

This is actually a big national problem. It is not only in our state. People are still far from realizing that the unfortunate and untoward crimes against women are not the result of the dress worn by them. Have people not learned anything at all from past incidents like the 2012 Nirbhaya case in Delhi? For people’s knowledge, the girl was not wearing any short clothes. And it’s not about what she wears that attracts unnecessary attention. 

So, basically it is not at all about the type of attire a girl adorns. It is more about the perspective of males. It is about how we, the men view women as. It is about whether the males of the society respect their female counterparts. It is not about dictating girls on how their lives should be. It is more about how we coexist together. It is about giving each other a mutual space for freedom. This should have been clear a long time back. It feels awkwardly disappointing that a section of the society still has not been able to accept the reasonable facts of l. Sigh! Good luck to all.


  1. It's the mindset of the men that has to change.. A girl gets raped or molested even if she wears full sleeve clothes.. So the dress code has no significance at all.. Moreover, it is her choice.. Let her wear whatever she wants to..


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