6 Common Things you encounter in Durga Puja!
The great Pandal hopping days were here and we couldn’t stop
spawning over all these places without getting the chills and frills of Durga
Puja before the festive days came to a halt! I had the audacity to observe all
the surroundings within me because I get quite excited upon seeing all these
people around me.
Let me put down some of my observations during those days.
The evergreen sari-clad females:
Forgive me for this but as a normal human being, I couldn’t help but notice all
the female persons dressed in their most beautiful attire and jogging along the
Puja pandals. Such is the cuteness quotient of all these pretty ladies, the
Puja season has to be one of the most awaited time during the entire year. Some
people will criticize me for working out my eyes in an effort to spot these
gorgeous human beings during an auspicious time. Trust me, these charming
ladies in saris duly increases the level of felicitous like never before!
As they say, a thing of beauty is a
joy forever!
Fast and Furious: One of the most
common things during Durga Puja is the sight of bikes oozing past you with a
speed equal to that of light. During the days of Durga Puja, vehicles along the
roads remain stationary to the naked eyes! And then, I can’t imagine the
superhuman ability with which these bikers find space within such packed roads
to flare up their speed shows! And the most whimsical thing has to be the
blustering sound some of these bikes make. Burns the ears!
The Romeo and Juliet pairs: Yes,
these humans are the most common piece of arts you can find these days, be it
Durga Puja or any public Holiday or rather any given normal day! These romantic
pairs would hold onto their hands as if fear of losing out in the huge crowd is
their worst possible nightmare. The fault in their stars makes me rather
emotional! On a serious note, they make me realize the authentically twinge
fact that not all people are single in this world!
The kids with their attractive toys:
When I see those carefree and ever-smiling kids, probably with new clothes for
the festive season, it brings about a big smile on everyone’s faces. Holding
their toy-guns or those new attractive ones in one hand and their parents’
hands on the other, it brings back a feeling of nostalgia within me. With zero
worries about the realities of life, those were the best days in everyone’s
The Photographers: Photography is one
of the wonderful things which capture memorable moments for future nostalgia. And
phones were invented to connect people. But when these two combine, it gives a
dangerous merger! And then, Puja pandals get filled up with some of the most
weird ‘photographers’ who along with their plenary selfie sticks pose
themselves like some horrendously spooky creatures in front of their smart
phones! Sigh! Good old days when we had to carefully capture a photo in order
to not waste ‘camera films’ unnecessarily.
The ‘Forever Single’ gang: Last but
not the least, these group of males, aged anywhere between 15 to any bachelor
age, would be seen in a bunch whistling about the sight of girls or merely,
rotating their necks to the direction of girls in the crowd. Failing to seize even
a single girl’s attention to their tiny clan, these fruitless and incompetent
humans live with their single life beyond the festive season!
With the end of Durga Puja, it signals the end of enjoyable
days for holiday lovers around the city. The Puja always offers its fair share
of happiness for us. Friends, family, distant relatives and all others get
together for the merriest time of the year with the beats of music to accompany
us! With this, the advent of autumn signifies the end of the glorious summer
days. For us, festivities are a way of life. Each festive occasion signifies a
particular time of the year. And until the next Durga Puja, merrier days to all
of you!
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