Dawn of Donald Trump

8 years ago when the USA presidential campaigns were the talk of the town, the world knew that in Barack Obama, we would get the first African-American President of the United States of America. And quite so, we did!

8 years later, when the time has come for a new President of the United States to be elected and the campaigns are back on, the world initially hoped for a first Lady President of the mighty USA in the name of Hillary Clinton, who was touted to be the chosen one. Mrs. Clinton would have been a welcome pioneer of the very much anticipated transition. And then, a clown by the name of Donald Trump appeared on-board. From then on, the campaign has rather become a comedy show. Literally!

And if things maintain to proceed as it is currently poised, the world will become quite a some place with President Trump being on the helm of the most powerful seat politically.

But why does Donald Trump act the way he does? Is he a part-reincarnation of Adolf Hitler? Or is he filled with too much of hatred because of his obvious genes?

Donald Trump is not the first of his kind. Reincarnation of Adolf Hitler might sound way exaggerated because of a man, who rules North Korea and who is way closer to the Nazi leader’s way of dictating. And if a capitalist leader was not heard before, then you have probably not heard about Vladimir Putin.

Donald Trump is not necessarily an extraordinary personality. I mean, he is just a freakish billionaire. He is also an honest and straight-forward politician, who does not even care about people’s opinion or people’s hatred towards him. He speaks the heart of a common American person from the current generation taking into account the present World scenario. He preaches the common American person’s speculation about outsiders. I mean, which person would have plans to build a wall to stop Mexicans from entering the USA? His hatred for Muslims is a far-glancing naked truth with his decision to stop Muslims from entering the USA after he is elected as the POTUS. Well, post 9/11, the American perception about Muslims have been an open secret with many politicians agreeing to act diplomatically to spurn the topic out. But not Donald Trump! And he's got a big support base to ridicule everyone questioning about his credentials.

The US presidential campaign has been a total dirt-throwing episode between the two front runner candidates. Trump is blunt in his views about dealing terrorism and other hindrances that are slowing the progress of Americans. He has addressed the economical and employment situation much bolder than Clinton, which is one of the many reasons for his popularity. But, too much inflexibility in the views of a potential President is at times extremely dangerous and harmful for the rest of the World. His perspective speeches on topics such as the LGBT are way too catastrophic. His nuclear plans seem to be taken straight out of a kick-ass war movie from the 80's. Asian countries will have a real tough time figuring out the USA’s protocols if Trump becomes the POTUS. However straightforward or genuine his strategies are in dealing World Terrorism or more precisely the ISIS, Muslims all over the world will have a tenacious time figuring out about their survival. And being a non-American person, the fate of me, as an Indian would not be much prominent either. Forget working and settling down in the USA, because Trump is totally against Non-Americans taking away jobs from fellow Americans, we will all have a hell of a time figuring out secret plans about visiting the USA for even a short vacation!

God really save America now!


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