God: To believe or not to believe?

From the day you were born, one or the other aspect in life has definitely been defined by God. As long as these questions pertain, and of course their answers!

Who created our planet? -“God”
Who created human beings? -“God”
How are babies born? -“God creates and sends them”
You want your favorite toy? -“Wish to God”
You want to pass your examination with flying colors? -“Pray to God”
You want to meet that special person you saw the other day in school? -“Pray to God”

As we grew up from those days of childhood where every answer was directly related to God, the concept of that divine power has been lost somewhere in between. The new generation is defining the concept of life more as a scientific existence rather than just a superstitious belief. The idea of converting from a particular religion to atheism has slowly been gaining momentum among urban youths. Online surveys have found out that roughly 29 out of a 100 young people don’t believe in God. So, is this rising number of non-believers of God a positive sign or a negative aspect of society? Only time will tell the consequences of this rising fashion.

One of the main reasons for being an atheist amongst the current crop of youngsters is their laziness and inactiveness. While having conversations with a number of young people, I have found out that most of them remain angry because their prayers and wishes remain unanswered. So, as a result many of them have stopped believing in God and hence, claim themselves to be ‘atheists’. I don’t have any problem with anyone being an atheist or not, but such senseless reasons are intolerable. For example, if a student doesn't study for a test and just prays to God to make the examination good, then the prayers are bound to be unanswered. As a boy born in a middle-class family, religion and tradition has been an integral part of my life. Anyways, I have no direct strictness towards God or religion. I am liberal to everything in life. I am not against anybody whether they believe or not believe in God. In any case, believing in God is neither old-fashioned nor superstitious. And neither is following any religion. Every person should have the liberty to choose their way of life. It is up to them to decide whether they really want to believe in God or not. So, be it those ultra-modern online atheist groups or the firm believers of God and strictly religious people, forcing someone to follow their views is against the independence of life. So, when I say that I believe about the existence of a single supreme, divine power, no one should have any objection to it. Though I am Hindu by birth and respect every other religion as equally as Hinduism, that doesn't make me old-fashioned either. So, whether you believe or not believe in God is completely up to you. No one has the right to question you or your stand. But before all that, the important thing is to be a good individual and respecting others. Just because someone is an atheist or a saint doesn't guarantee that he/she is a good human being.

So, irrespective of someone who believes in God or not, religious or not, superstitious or the other way round, everybody should have the right to choose, until and unless they aren't hurting others. I leave you here, with the power to choose, the power to decide and the power to not sway away by others’ viewpoints. Be happy and be good.


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