The Epic Series!

 The other day, in fact every other day, I wonder why "The Twilight" series is such an 'epic'  hit worldwide. Or is it? While our beautiful, cute girls (for the fact,all girls are beautiful and cute) would agree to the fact that 'Twilight' is as epic as 'Titanic', every other boy would clearly state that it is the worst ever movie series. On the fun quotient, I don't really hate the 'Twilight' series.

Now, if you are a girl and a twilight fan,of course,  you needn't smile in fun, or curse me if you are a boy. For the matter of fact, I haven't really   watched any of the movies of this 'epic' series. So, how can I love or hate something, which I haven't actually tasted it.

The evidences of the epic  hatred towards this 'epic' can be seen anywhere (yes, anywhere.). Facebook troll and jokes pages are filled with  'Twilight' jokes. And, now my guts to watch  the 'epic' movie series  has shattered. "A girl falling in love with a vampire", which is the 'epic' theme of this 'epic' series is in itself  a joke. And why wouldn't it be. Where's the logic? And from where did the 'epic' make-up artists came up with the idea of  'excessive fairness' looking vampires? Height of imagination. And I have even heard that while fighting the villains, these 'handsome' vampires do everything at the speed of light! Einstein would have taken Botulinum( yes, it is a poison!).

While I have not given any review of this 'epic', nor is this post going to give one, I clearly understand why girls love 'Twilight'. And, yes obviously every other boy hates it. The reason behind this is:Robert Pattinson. My fellow boys, I understand your feelings.Do not curse him. The day, from when our loving Kristen Stewart learns to act , we boys would make her our personal favourite. And, then even girls would start to hate 'Twilight'.Till then, may God help you all.
P.S: For another matter of fact, my personal  favourite word is not "epic".


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